Thursday, November 7, 2013

NaNoWriMo Day 7 - Grandpa Calls Himself a Coward

My heart just breaks for Grandpa.  He was trying so hard to push Grandma to give him a straight answer and make her trust him even though the miles between them made it seem like they were worlds apart instead of just half a nation apart.  The waiting for the next letter must've been agonizing to say the least.  They didn't just pick up the phone to make a long distance call unless it was an emergency. 

Either Grandpa truly had a low self esteem as his letters seem to indicate or he was looking for sympathy.  I keep picturing the older, wiser gentle-man I knew as my grandpa writing these letters when in reality he was only 21 and was just really beginning to experience all that life would throw at him.

Grandpa's letter I transcribed today was a long one...hence...



  1. Such good looking ages 18 and 21.....their lives just beginning.....

  2. How interesting to see such personal life struggles from people you only knew after they had matured and were so wise.
    I love all the old pictures too.
