Wednesday, December 4, 2013

National Novel Writing Month Recap...Epic Fail or Just Plain Epic?

November 2013.  Where did it go?

      I missed my 50,000 word goal by 10,980 words.

      I only blogged 17 of the 30 days in the month.

But like a quote from one of my favorite Christmas movies, I will:
"Judge not [my] past but [my] future, not [my] failures but [my] dreams, not [my] imperfections but [my] possibilities." Preacher's Wife

November 2013.  How did it really go?

I transcribed 46 letters, becoming totally immersed in the story, the characters, and the history.

I feel I am at least half way to finishing a project that deserves my time and energy for the preservation of my family history.

I have the mindset to continue what I have started and look forward to the finish line.

As Abraham Lincoln once said,
"Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other."

To recap:  In no way do I feel missing the mark on my November goal was a failure!  Setting the goal actually pushed me toward my goal.  I will continue down this path of finishing the transcription of all the love letters circa 1927 which were found in my Grandma's keepsakes, and publishing them for the family to read.

I will continue to publish updates to this blog on my progress for those that have been following along.  I do appreciate all your comments and look forward to them.  The comments actually help keep me motivated as thank you.  And I will try to post more often so there is more to comment on ;)


  1. Personally, I think you did a great job and I thoroughly enjoyed what you shared!!

  2. GOOD! Looking forward to the next installment!
