Saturday, November 2, 2013

NaNoWriMo Day 2 - Only One Letter Transcribed Today

Grandma sure could write a lot without saying very much!  Today's letter was 7 and 1/2 pages long!  Thank goodness Grandma had beautiful penmanship.

I started wearing Grandma's engagement/wedding ring today.  It has been in my jewelry box, and I decided it was time to start wearing it again now that I'm working on the letters again.  Reading and typing the words Grandma wrote 86 years ago makes it seem like Grandma is still here.

I don't think there is any way she will ever be forgotten.  Her spirit and memory lives on in each one of her relatives.  I see her in my mom, my aunt, my sister, and myself.  And no matter what deep, dark secret I may learn from these letters, it won't change her in my eyes.  She is and always will be the most wonderful and beautiful woman I grew up getting to know as my Grandma!

Today, I will leave you with the Post Script quote from the letter:  "If words brought "A's" I would sure get a double triple one for this theme."



  1. This is so beautiful. I'm really glad you're doing this - for no good reason except for that I think it's really special to be able to bring something like this forward from the past.

    1. Thank you. It's definitely a labor of love. And I go back and forth on whether I should be doing it. But the rush of just seeing their words and handwriting is a feeling I would never trade. :)

  2. I have always found that something written in someone's hand....makes it seem like they are right there beside you.
