Sunday, February 6, 2011

Life's Too Short to Drink Cheap Coffee

Coffee – in search of the perfect cup

What makes coffee so appealing? Is it the friend you’re sipping with, the flavor, the legal addictive stimulant, or is it the clever names of the coffee houses: The Gos-sip, Stompin’ Grounds, The Coffee Cat, or Brewed Awakenings just to name a few.

I admit the fun of meeting someone at a coffee house makes me feel like I’m in some elite group or club, but honestly, I’m really addicted to the latte whether I’m out with a friend or grabbing a quick cup on my own. I don’t drink all the time, only when I'm alone or with someone, and I only drink coffee on days that end in “y”.

I have gone through a variety of different coffee machines at home trying to make the perfect cup, and finally found one that comes pretty close to that fabulous $5 a cup coffee--the Capresso Ultima. I have the espresso roast beans, the grinder, a variety of flavored syrups, my favorite mugs, and have developed quite a knack for frothing and steaming the milk. And while it takes me nearly a half hour to clean up the machine, grind the beans, prepare the cup, brew, and froth, the little bit of heaven in a cup is really the only way to start my day. And since I'm not spending that half hour folding underwear--I have the time.

Life's short...give your soul some sunshine and have a latte!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, great post.
    I read your profile, and you say that you are a people pleaser. A friend of mine - a professional confidante, just wrote a great ebook that helped me a lot with learning to say ‘No’ to people. It’s very funny and compassionate. “Rediscovering the power of No”, by Irina Avtsin. There is an excerpt on the web, I’d love to hear your thoughts if you read it.
